Monday, June 16, 2008


I've been working at updating the header graphic for the blog. It's mostly what I had up before... before it randomly disappeared.

It kind of strikes me that sometimes work, and jobs, can be a bit like dating. With work, sometimes you can go quite a ways with a small or, rather, unengaging project. However, as soon as things may pick up a bit, several other projects will be vying for your attention.

When I took this job back at the end of January, a company I had interviewed with several times finally called to offer a job.

When it rains, it pours, I suppose.

What's the forecast?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The forecast is for light showers, becoming sunny as the week progresses. No more job-hopping for a while! At least not til I'm settled in my new one.
That's been our trend anyway: one of us gets a job, the other one needs/finds one. But I like yours now. It's my turn to need one!
